moon festival

Yesterday we went to the August Moon Festival in Chinatown. They had all kinds of vendors and presentations. We saw a fashion show, some traditional singing, and a martial arts demonstration. (I took a few pictures/video).

We ate at a place called Hong Kong Eatery and had the best roasted pork I've had. We popped into the Bao Bakery next door a little later, but they were out of our favorite bbq pork bao. No worries, we've decided that we'll be going back to the HKE often, so we'll have another chance.

We also went to see the Bourne Ultimatum...3 1/2 stars. I was worried because I've tried to watch the Bourne Supremacy a couple of times and I still have no idea what happened in that movie.

1 comment:

W said...

Like pops always says, "That's why they have different flavors of ice cream."