July 21, 2010

Yesterday was the second meeting for Science Club for Girls. For those of you who don't know, I lead the 1st grade club at a chinese school in downtown Boston. Yesterday our lesson plan was centered on bubbles! We learned about the colors in bubbles, the shape of bubbles, the differences between big and little bubbles and the elasticity of bubbles. The girls had a lot of fun!

I had less fun. The club was bookended by two difficult events. The first was the late arrival of one little girls who was in tears! She was inconsolable for the first few minutes following her arrival. Luckily, you may not be surprised to learn, bubbles go a long way in consoling a six year old girl! The second memorable event launched when one of the girls wet her pants, leaving a large puddle of pee on the classroom floor. I had the honor of taking her to the bathroom to help her clean up. I think I handled it fairly well considering I was trying not to gag while cleaning up her pee...ugh. I washed my hands a lot!

Here are some pictures of us playing with bubbles!

July 12, 2010 part b

Last night I dreamt that I moved back to California to work at JPL. The lab had the same layout, but all the equipment had been updated. Also, Governor Schwarzenegger was there to welcome me back (we were pals, apparently). Everyone else was there, too! Adam, Liana, Margie, George, Amy! Ken!

I also dreamt that I had really dry skin. To combat this, I used butter as a moisturizer. Go figure.

july 12, 2010

I am a jealous person, maybe I should use the word envious...does that sound better?

Currently, I am envious of people who blog regularly and whose blogs are interesting enough that they have followers; well, followers that are unknown to me.

I am envious of people who play games well. I play WoW (among other things), and I do alright, but I know other people who are phenomenal at games! I look up to these people, in a sad, pathetic sort of way.

I am envious of people who have swimming pools. I don't swim a lot, but I do like to lay by the pool and get a tan. It's no fun to lay out in the sun without a significant (read "pool sized or larger") body of water near by.

I am envious of people who have 9-5 jobs. This is not to say that I work longer hours, just that i know that i ought to. I would like to keep my same schedule without feeling so guilty about it.

I get really jealous (this word works here) of guest stars on the Supernumberone podcast! I wanna do it!

There're a lot of other things. These are the things I am thinking of now.
