I'm Back

Hello dear friends, I am back from the long journey known as "the first year of grad school". I finish my first year with four A's and one C+ (damn you organic chemistry!). Besides the dreadful organic chem I took inorganic chem, separation science, nanoscience and quantum mechanics. I don't know how you all feel about those grades, but I am pretty freaking proud. I have to take o-chem again (I need a B- to pass), but even so I only have two classes left before I can be done with classes.

Immediately after my last final I went home to pack for Australia...I will tell you all about my trip this weekend.

Currently I am sick; I have a nasty sinus thing making it hard for me to concentrate.

Now playing: Death Cab For Cutie - The Sound Of Settling
via FoxyTunes

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