Blog for Choice

Today is "Blog for choice" day.

I fully support a woman's right to choose whether to procreate. Furthermore, I reject any politician's argument that he has a right to make decisions about my reproductive happenings.

Currently, this is all I have to write on this issue.

1 comment:

W said...

While I agree with you and am pro-choice, as a man, I have concerns with a woman having all the decision-making power if the man wants the baby and the woman doesn't. I know it's her body but the child is also the man's.

I am assuming both people consented to the sex but, once pregnant, the woman wants an abortion while the man wants a child.

All I'm saying is that this situation concerns me. As a man, as a father, I would be destroyed if a woman had no concern for the life of my child and killed it despite my desire to raise, support, and love the child, all the while I have no say over whether my child lives.

Such a difficult issue. Other than this one situation, I'm pro-choice. And this is just one man's opinion.