the most awkward moment ever...

the boy and i were at a party over the weekend, having a smashing time. after we had been there a couple of hours a guy showed up with his fiancee. many of the people there had never met her; the introduction went something like this:

"This is my fiancee, [name1]...oh, I knew I was going to do that...[name2]."


He called his fiancee by the wrong friggin' name! In front of a room full of strangers! She immediately looked as if she was going to cry, and his eyes panicked, "please don't break up with me". The room was full of people, all of us looking at our feet, not daring to make eye contact.

Then, my man saves us all...bless him. He asks [name2] something about her shirt; it was from a trip she had taken and afforded us plenty of conversation. When that one died down he kept coming up with new things to talk about until the happy couple took their leave about 15 minutes later. Once they were safely out the door it was like the entire room breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Hope they worked it out.

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