july 12, 2010

I am a jealous person, maybe I should use the word envious...does that sound better?

Currently, I am envious of people who blog regularly and whose blogs are interesting enough that they have followers; well, followers that are unknown to me.

I am envious of people who play games well. I play WoW (among other things), and I do alright, but I know other people who are phenomenal at games! I look up to these people, in a sad, pathetic sort of way.

I am envious of people who have swimming pools. I don't swim a lot, but I do like to lay by the pool and get a tan. It's no fun to lay out in the sun without a significant (read "pool sized or larger") body of water near by.

I am envious of people who have 9-5 jobs. This is not to say that I work longer hours, just that i know that i ought to. I would like to keep my same schedule without feeling so guilty about it.

I get really jealous (this word works here) of guest stars on the Supernumberone podcast! I wanna do it!

There're a lot of other things. These are the things I am thinking of now.


1 comment:

Fourtree said...

You shall be on the S#1 podcast very soon I have a feeling. I am envious of people who have jobs that make a difference to the world, such as scientists.